Miss The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick

Last week we started to tell a story about the world’s worst teacher and you could make it up. First we did a plan on it then we created a doc and wrote about it. I had a sister and my sister was Sahriah.  These were our names. Miss The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick and Miss Seashell by the seashore. This is my story.  


                                                                    Miss The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick


She looks like an old monkey. Her eyes are blue like the ocean. Her hair color is light brown. Her skin color is white as snow. She is 27 years old. She is as short as 1 meter. She has a sister who is a teacher as well . Her name is Miss Seashell by the seashore. Her parents are 68 and 67. She works at Koputaroa school. She always wears the same clothes everyday. She wears a pink top with black pants. She has a hunched back. She has a pet snake named killer devil that eats humans except Miss the sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick. The color of the snake is red and black. She also has another pet that is a cat named killer salt cat. The color of white. 



She hates 


 She hates when someone pronounces her name wrong.  She hides under a desk and jumps out to scare you and hits you with her bat.  She hates when the room is a mess she will make you stay back when you’re meant to go home. If someone finishes their work she makes them go to the Principal’s office. At the breaks she goes on her scooter and has a bat. She hits you if you walk too slow or she chases you around to school and hits you if you start to slow down. Her scooter has a snake seat. Pink fluffy handles and wheels. She plays music around the school. The song go’s like  ran fast guyssssss when she is chasing you. She made up the song by the way. She has gone to prison before because she killed one of her students on purpose  


 The reason why she is like this is because her parents were mean to her in her childhood and hit her and said mean things to her.


                                                                                In her childhood   

She got hit by her parents  when she was 5. Once she told her parent can you help me with my homework and her parents punished her by locking her in her room and hitting her into she had a broken nose. The next day her parents said that they were taking her to the park but they took her to Abandoned house, left her there for six years. then came back 6 years later to get her. So this is what happened. It was all good until her sister was born. Her mum got into a coma when her sister was born. Then when the mum woke up they were mean to both of them. So they started to be a little mean. One day at daycare everyone was so mean to the sisters and they felt really sad so Miss The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick’ moved schools and every day my sister came back crying everyday because they were so mean to her. So she became mean as well.  One night Miss The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick went to her  friend’s house for a week and her sister texted her all week because she forgot to tell her that she was going. When she came back her sister was so excited to see her but her mum was not so she said go clean your room and do your chores. So she did. After she did it she came to her room and her mum said go outside and water the plants . Later in the day. Her mum came to Miss The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick’s room and said listen to me if you do not leave in 30 minutes you will be punished. Then Miss Seashell by the seashore walked in the room and said why would you say that mum. Her mum said i was just kidding and walked out of the room saying i’ll get you one time Miss The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick the mum said.  The next day. The mum came back to her room and started to hit her for 2.5 hours. She went into her sister’s room and I said we should run away some wear else these people are mean to us.  We both jumped out of  the window into a bush. Her sister spotted a little house with nobody in it.  She found a 50 dollar note on the ground and she said we should go to the shops. She spotted a bike on the right and her sister spotted a bike on the left so they hopped on them and went to the shops to get stuff for them. They got food and clothes and also some beds for them. They biked back to the house and her sister tripped over a rock on her bike and fell but she was okey. They keep biking to the house and realize that someone was there and they said this is someone’s house. The person came out and said do you have a home? But they did not so they said no we do not. The person said hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you guys don’t have a house, what a big loser and a stinky dog. They ran off crying into town and saw their nan and she looked after them but it was not their nan it was somebody disguised as her and we realized that it was their mum but it was too late they were already at their house. This is why  Miss The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick’ and Miss Seashell by the seashore are so mean.  


      I hope you enjoyed my writing


Embedding Google Slides

before I embed my slide I need to share and make it “Anyone with the link” Then press done. Then look for file on the top bar then press on it and look for share. Then published to web. Instead of link  go on embed. Make it the size you want if you have more then one slide change the time if you want and Copy the code. On my post I click on Add media, Insert Embed code, paste the code, and click on Insert.

My superhero

I find it tricky to find the picture I wanted to have.

It was fun to look at the picture.

To do this I had to go on the Totara pod site then go on Cybersmart then going to summer learning journey. We did the first activity it was make your own superhero. For my one I did a girl with purple hair and a purple dress. Make a slide or doc and put what you want for your superhero. After you finish your information put it on crayon or google draw if you chose crayon you had to  put in your description and press draw. After you press draw you have to wait for it to load. After it loaded you can look at the pictures to see if there is any you like. If there is not any you like try to change it a little bit and make sure the fullstops are commas.  After you find one you like. Take a photo of it  and put it on your slide or doc.

Are you going to try it out?


Christmas tree Lunapic collage


Today I created a Christmas tree by using Lunapic collage.

To do this I had go on my drive and go on to Cybersmart in your drive. Then you press new and go to slide. Name the title your initials then Lunapic. Go to layout and go to the blank layout. Go to insert and search the web and find a picture that you want and make sure it’s an object. Once you find a picture that’s an object you want to put it in the middle of your screen. go to the corner to make it as big as you can. After you’ve done that go to file on the top of your screen. Look for download and when you’ve tapped on download look for PNG image.Then search up Lunapic. After you’ve searched up Lunapic look at the top of your screen and look for the third one that is art. Then go to on to Artist collage and tap on it. After that it well pop up with cats you tap on the word above the cats. Next thing is to change the word above the cats to what you want. For the last thing is to update collage and if you don’t like it just change it. When you have found the thing you wanted you take a screenshot and pop it on your slides. With the one on there make it smaller and put Original image. For the very last step put your name and Lunapic collage. 

It was fun to play with the type of style but all of it was really fun.


It was hard to find what image to do and choose the style.




Diving into the sunlight zone.

We have been learning about creatures that are under the ocean and understanding what creatures are in the layer.

We learned this so that we understand the layer of the ocean.

I created a fish tank with information about what to do if you have a fish tank.

This shows how to see what animals are in the ocean.

Here is my fish tank Canva template.

I enjoyed learning about the animals that are under the ocean.

I found it challenging to answer the question.

My next step is to do another task in the sunlight zone.

If I did this activity again I would go quicker with the task.

Can you give me feedback on my information and my writing.


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